Monday, June 6, 2011


I'm finally starting to feel in the mood to blog again, but me being me, there are a zillion other things I'd also like to do. I have some leave at the moment, and as I probably won't be travelling home this time, I'll have lots of extra days to try and get thigns done. I've only just realised how many layovers I have still to blog about- all the way back to my Niagara Falls visit- in November!!! :O

At the moment I'm procrastinating by tidying up my room, and as this mood strikes me rarely I'd best take advantage of it. So to tide you over until I make a proper posts, here's some photo highlights of upcoming posts & past layovers.

I survived the Great Wall of China!!! (Tough climb though, glad I wore summer clothes!)
Ticket to Temple of Heaven, Beijing

Visiting the tigers in Thailand

Another view of the Great Wall.

In the mix there'll also be Niagara Falls, more New York and another Paris trip =) See you soon!

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